My hair stopped growing after I cut it

Why my hair stopped growing after i cut it?

It is a myth that my hair stopped growing after i cut it. In turn, hair can grow very slowly or not at all.

Depending on the situation, you may want to take different approaches. For example in the case of weak growth, slow growth, or hair loss

I’ll go over the things you should consider before going to a dermatologist. For this we’ll refer to an example:

It may seem counterintuitive, but hairstylists recommend trimming hair every 2-3 months.

Trimming your hair regularly is a good idea if you want to have strong, healthy hair. This is an indication of strong, healthy hair growth.

One of the most amazing parts of our body is hair. It looks out for us and responds to how we’re treating it with changes that may be visible to others

It can be challenging living and working in the modern world. As we work longer and longer to make ends meet, we end up sacrificing time that could be spent doing things that’s important to us. Working too much can also take a toll on you

Maybe you have trouble sleeping or are having trouble falling asleep. You may be feeling discomfort in your chest, irritability, or pain all over your body.

If you believe your hair is going thinner or not growing, then you might think that have something to do with your last haircut.

Yes, your hair can become dry and fragile from inner and environmental factors such as stress, anxiety, or even hormonal changes..

However, in my experience working in the industry, I’ve never had a case where hair stopped growing because I cut it.

The opposite is true. Most people want to increase their intake to make them stronger and more active.

A good thing to do first is visit a health professional, such as a dermatologist specializing in the scalp.

The idea is to get the right treatment and stop the difficulty with slow or no hair growth

In the worst-case scenario, hair becomes weaker and grows more slowly.

 So, your whole problem boils down to:

  • diagnosis
  • analysis of the causes
  • and solutions

Do you feel better?

Of course, you do!

If you want to be certain, go to a dermatologist and do your homework so they can give you the best treatments.

If your hair doesn’t grow after cutting it, I recommend you see a Dermatologist. However, first, you need to evaluate your hair

How does a doctor make a diagnosis?

The first step is observation.

Any professional will first observe a problem to determine solutions.

Veterinarians inspect the physical characteristics of a dog in order to make a diagnosis while astronomers observe the stars to come up with new constellations.

When in a situation where you’re feeling like you want to cut your hair, try observing it before doing anything. You may find that once you observe it, your desire to cut it will decrease.

  • Considering the difficulty in examining things closely, you can look at a hair strand and see what kind of qualities it has.
  • Do you have any concerns about whether your hair looks thinner? Please state if the change in thickness has been gradual or sudden.
  • Just take note of what you observe, the same way any scientist would, when conducting scientific experiments.
  • Now it’s time to look at the scalp.
  • If you don’t have a magnifying mirror, one of your parents or friends can do it for you.
  • If your skin looks normal, greasy, or flaky, take note of it.
  • Finally, the ends of your hair.
  • It’s best to keep them closed. If you notice any splits or breaks in your ends, this will cause slower hair growth since the strands of the hair lack nutrients due to these problems.
  • You should also note if the hair is open from end to root or not.

Once you’ve had a diagnosis, it’s time to work on the cause of slowing hair growth. Keep this in mind because it will be useful when you go back to your physician for treatment.

After observing your hair, it’s time to analyze the causes of why my hair stopped growing after i cut it

This is a broader topic. A lack of growth or weak hair growth after a haircut can be due to multiple factors


The grand jury has declared that stress is what causes all diseases, with no chance of appeal.

Sometimes, when the pressure is on, people might feel anxious or even have a phobia. Normal life can sometimes feel like they are in fight-or-flight mode.

 Possibly, you’re stressed.

Stress can lead hair to become hardened and to break. And this will lead to hair thinning, which makes it seem like your hair is not growing at first because you cut it.

There are many ways to deal with stress. Talking to a therapist is just one of them. It’s important to take time for yourself, even if you have to go out of your way in order to do so.

To reduce stress, leave the city to take a break in a park for lunch by enjoying some fresh air. A weekly trip to the spa will also increase your happiness levels.

Invite your best friend to share coffee at the bar; you’ve missed much time together lately.

It may take some time but hair will start to grow back normally. All the good times you’ve had in life will also be there with you, so continue your happy ways


These factors should be monitored by a clinician. Thyroid disorders can lead to thinning hair that tangles easily.

*You’re going through a change in hormones from menopause which can cause different scalp or body conditions including hair loss.

Hair is an external part of your body that allows you to express your feelings more than any other. Losing your hair can cause frustration and insecurity, but don’t worry, there are many treatments out there that help with these problems. You’ll see improvements in just a few weeks of dolling yourself up.

Eating Factors

Low levels of vitamins or minerals can affect your hair, so if you’ve been eating unhealthily for a long time your hair might not be as healthy as it deserves to be. If you eat at odd hours, that could also affect how quickly or slowly your hair grows.

If you eat too much junk food or don’t eat enough vegetables, fruits, and fish your hair will not grow. If you want to promote healthy hair growth,  incorporate more protein-rich foods into your diet.

Hereditary factors

Genetic testing has been around for a while and there have been some new developments recently. Not only can you get tested for zygosity, but new tests are also available to see which new drugs will work best on you.

There are multiple hair regeneration treatments with great results these days. They range from mesotherapy to hormones that will make your hair strong & abundant.

It’s true that age can have a negative impact on hair growth. This is because hair follicles stop being able to produce new hair.

That’s just life – not because your hair is cut.

You have cleared your mind of many worries by visiting your dermatologist. You now know that there are many treatment options for slow hair growth.


Throughout this article, I’ve shared tips on why my hair stopped growing after i cut it?

After getting a haircut, your hair may seem shorter than usual. This is because of how it hitches your hair on different angles or pushed some hairs out of the way. Don’t worry, the cut won’t be what causes your hair to grow more slowly.

Some people lose sleep because they feel that their hair is not growing or growing less than it should after a haircut. If this is you, discuss this with a dermatologist, who can provide you with solutions.


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