How to avoid a mullet when growing out a pixie

How to avoid a mullet when growing out a pixie?

Allow me to provide some basic guidance on How to avoid a mullet when growing out a pixie, which is what you’ll want to do if you want to avoid the mullet look.

This will help ensure that your hair is cut in a way that’s right for your tastes and style. We’ll also talk about the steps you can take now to avoid an eighties hairstyle.

The pixie cut is a hairstyle that requires trimming often to keep the long strands out of the face. However, if your hair or cut isn’t kept up with regular or proper care, it can grow long and turn into an unflattering mullet.

I prefer not to imagine it

People have different preferences, but I’m guessing you’re here because you’re trying to avoid your haircut turning into a mullet.

That’s why I’m going to show you everything you can do to avoid it while growing out your pixie cut.

To help you with understanding the process, I’ll divide it into 4 different quarters. Your hair will spend about four months inside each one

If you’re starting on a fresh hair cut – your first one ever – it will take a lot of patience. At first, you’ll want to avoid cutting it because it will be difficult and annoying.

I assure you that time will fly as your hair grows. At every stage, you will be able to manage your hair.

Shall we get started?

There are 3 stages your hair will go through to avoid a mullet when growing out a pixie.

  1. The first stage of the journey, your allies will be styling products and your creativity to style your hair.
  2. In the second stage, a few touch-ups from your stylist will even out the style of your hair.
  3. In stage three, it’s time to take the mullet down from memory lane and cut off that extra length for a cool new look.

First stage: How to grow out your pixie without going through the mullet. The first 4 months

Short hair styles tend to grow out and lose their shape. But don’t worry – this is a part of the design of short hair.

It is possible to go through this stage without sacrificing your style. Do you believe me now?

Your first 4 months will result in your hair growing an average of 4-7cm. It will also appear more wild & relaxed

You can keep your mane easy to control with the styling products you have available such as gels or mousses.

This first stage is ideal for you to experiment with different types of rocker pompadour and quiff hairstyles.

My advice is to have a number of different products on hand that you can use in order to change or restyle your hair. It’s also worth experimenting with different textures.

You can use a bit of gel to shape the front of your hair or you can use gel at the roots for a wet effect.

You can also use a ponytail or simply let it fall to one side

When you apply texturizing product at the nape of the neck, it’ll make your hair look more natural and less like it’s styled.

Hair grows longer at the nape of your neck. This is where it tapers to the rest of your hair length too. So, texturizing products are helpful in preventing hair from looking longer there.

You need to be prepared to work with your hair at this stage. Your pixie cut will lose its shape and it may become hard to style into a full head of hair if you don’t get help.

Letting your hair grow out over the course of four months without cutting it is an accomplishment in its own right, especially if you’ve never tried it before.


You’re ready to start the second stage.

Second stage: The 4 most difficult months to avoid the mullet

After the first four months, you may have grown tired of having to style your hair every day. If you have a positive attitude about it, then it can be fun to keep experimenting with new styles.

By this point, your hair growth will have started in the front, which will start to show up.

When you’re growing your hair out, the difference in length will be evident. The back of your head might be much longer than the front.

If you don’t trim your hair slightly at the nape of your neck, you’ll be left with the unfortunate mullet hairstyle..

This is the most difficult and dangerous stage. If you’re careless, your lovely, overgrown & shaped pixie cut will automatically turn into a mullet.

This is what you want to avoid!

You need a trim when the back and front of your mane start to look drastically different. To determine the best time for a trim, it is best to examine both your mane from the side and from below.

You should tell your stylist that you want to grow out the back of your hair so he/she won’t trim too much when styling it.

This will help you avoid the mullet. Instead, you’ll be creating a bob cut.

If you don’t want to cut your hair, another option is to use clear bobby pins to lift your hair at the nape of your neck. This will give it the appearance of being longer.

Many people have their problems with trimming their own hair, but that will take a long time. That also means throwing your effort out the window.

Also, chemical treatments will lift your roots and give them the strength they need to keep growing.

How did you do with your haircut?

You got this far, it’s time to finish the job. We’ll make it to the final stage where you can leave your Mullet behind for good. Shall we continue?

Third stage: The last four months going from short hair to long hair without a mullet

Over half a year has passed without you realizing it. Your hair is about the length you want.

And the good news is that you’ve already passed the most difficult stages of growing out your short hair. All that’s left is for you to visit the stylist a few more times to touch up your cut.

If you look at your hair, it has a micro bob cut, even though you might not know it.

However, if you managed to grow your hair faster than expected and find yourself with a bob cut by the end of Stage 4, we’re ready for that too.

You got a shorter cut in the previous stage that sped up your hair growth. You should only trim it every couple months from now on.

This will work towards continuing to even out the nape of the neck, avoiding the difference between the front and back that is characteristic of a mullet.

You’ll be much more confident and relaxed at this stage because the danger of sporting a mullet is practically behind you.

Absolutely! As long as you make the time to visit your stylist on a regular basis for a trim, you can avoid the dated mullet cut and go for more modern looks with the easy bob cut.

Towards the middle or end of stage 2, you’ll have noticeably more definition – your bobs are coming along nicely. You’re getting close!

Once you cut your hair like a bob, you can choose the future look that’s best for your long hair.


Throughout this article, I’ve shared tips on how to avoid a mullet when growing out a pixie

To grow out a short haircut, it can take several months of continued maintenance. Be patient!

But trust me, it’s worth the wait. In the meantime, you can play around with all the different lengths and styles your hair takes on.

You can even get some creative styles while you wait

What do you think of these ideas?

Do you think you’ll be able to resist the temptation to cut your hair early?


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