If I washed my hair yesterday can I perm it today

If I washed my hair yesterday can I perm it today?

If I washed my hair yesterday can I perm it today? This is a popular question i get a-lot on my blog so today i decided to make a comprehensive guide on washing perm hair.

Whether you do your own relaxer treatments at home or go to a salon, the number one rule is that you don’t wash your hair or scalp beforehand. Following this rule helps prevent burning, pain, breakage and hair loss.

Please wait at least 3 to 4 days before you relax after a wash. During this time I coat my relaxed hair strands with some type of protein moisturizer like Profectiv mega growth or Cantu Break cure for added protection from the relaxer and to help build up the cuticle bonds of your hair.

Most relaxers do recommend 72 hours between shampooing and relaxing. I have done it 2 days after, but nothing sooner.

I use a mild relaxer though and my stylist bases my scalp well so I never had issues with irritation or burning from relaxers.

Why Not?

Your hair and scalp produce natural oils that help protect the skin and hair from the harmful chemicals of a relaxer.

If you wash your hair too soon before a relaxer it opens the pores of the scalp and removes the natural protective oils, which can lead to burning your scalp and hair.

How Long?

While recommendations vary, the general rule of thumb is to avoid shampooing for three to four days before a relaxer.

If you have oily hair or a dry scalp, opt for a ponytail, head scarf or hat to make it through the days leading up to the treatment.

What Else?

There are other things you should avoid before a relaxer. These include vigorously brushing or combing your hair, scratching or manipulating your scalp, trying new hairstyles that may pull the scalp, swimming in chlorinated water and coloring your hair.

Types of Hair Relaxers

There are many types of relaxers, in varying strengths, but all of them contain dangerous chemicals that will permanently change the structure of your hair.

Anything that changes the basic chemical composition of your hair has the propensity to damage it, so make sure to take all the necessary preventative measures.

Don’t ignore the application tips, which advise a strand test and an allergic reaction test 24 hours before applying the relaxer.

What are the side effects of relaxing your hair?

Depending on your hair type, hair relaxers might cause breakage, hair thinning, and stunt your hair growth. the process may also result in chemical burns on the scalp and other areas, some women have also complained of scalp irritation, scalp damage or hair loss.

How do I take care of my hair after relaxing it?

Shampoo your hair twice a week and condition after every shampoo wash. Use a moisturizing, sulfate-free shampoo and a very moisturizing conditioner formulated for chemically treated hair.

After applying the shampoo, gently massage the scalp with your fingertips and avoid using your nails.

How often should you relax your hair?

If you relax your hair at home or go to a stylist, the recommended time that most agree on is every eight weeks between touch-ups.

This gives you enough new growth to apply the relaxer to; your new growth or virgin hair may vary in length from 1/2 inch to 1 inch.

Is a hair relaxer permanent?

Hair relaxing is a form of permanent chemical straightening. Your stylist can then reset your hair into a permanently straight configuration.

Unlike keratin treatments, which are temporary and wash out after about 3 months, chemical relaxers are permanent, and last until your hair grows out.

What can you base your scalp with before a relaxer?

Base your edges and scalp Anytime you get a relaxer, you should use a base such as Vaseline. I’ve noticed that many people only tell you to base your edges and your ears.


If I washed my hair yesterday can I perm it today?, Some say you can wash your hair with your regular shampoo as soon as the next day while others advise waiting at least three days for your scalp to replenish its natural oils and allow the hair to recover.

Consider shampoos and conditioners made for relaxed hair because they will nourish and help replenish your hair, as well as help keep the hair straight and smooth.


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