Why is my relaxed hair puffy

Why is my relaxed hair puffy? (Explained)

Reader Question: Why is my relaxed hair puffy, but sometimes it’s hard to even tell! My hair gets really frizzy, especially during the summer months when it’s very humid outside.

I have to constantly straighten my hair with a flat iron to keep the puffs down, but by the afternoon, My hair gets puffy all over again. Help!

The oils in your scalp can build up and cause a dryness on your hair. This type of rough & dried hair is known as ‘puffy hair’ and it is often caused by other factors such as using treatment-based shampoos that are not formulated for natural hair texture. The use of less harsh shampoos reduces the chances that puffy hair will recur.

Hair becomes puffy when it becomes dehydrated and the cuticle layer is damaged. For example, styling tools and products, heat tools, or environmental factors like pollution or wind.

The main cause of puffy hair is dehydration which can be caused by styling products, heat tools, or environmental factors like pollution or wind.

  1. Puffy hair can be a result of many factors such as:
  2. Hormonal changes
  3. Excess sebum production and buildup on the scalp
  4. Stress and anxiety that cause the body to release cortisol which can leave the hair looking limp, dull, and greasy

Have you ever had an encounter with hair puffs which made your otherwise relaxed hair look unkempt? Learn how to prevent this from happening & make your look more polished.

What is relaxed hair?

Many people turn to chemical straighteners to curl their hair because natural curly-haired individuals can often be frustrated with the frizz and tangles that come from using a curling iron on wet hair.

The process involves introducing an alkaline solution into protein bonds within the hair, changing their texture until they are no longer coiled.

Unlike natural hair, relaxed hair may be straight, but it can often still be blown out straight for a smooth, straight finish.

What is a relaxer?

Relaxer and perm refer to the same process of using chemicals to change the structure of your hair. It has nothing to do with the ’80s-style perm, & they are two different processes.

Relaxers help you straighten strands, helping to create more manageable & beautiful hairstyles. It has been used by black and brown women and men.

Saying that “all relaxers are not created equal” is misleading — sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, and ammonium thioglycolate are the three types of relaxers. They all differ in one way: sodium hydroxide is known as lye relaxers and calcium hydroxide as no-lye relaxers.

One of the more common hair straighteners is lye relaxers. This option can be harsh on your locks and should be reserved for more sensitive scalps.

Many may also find alkaline lotions to work better on African-American hair as they have high natural acidity levels.

Some people will find that ammonium thioglycolate works better on some hair types than others, so it’s important to determine what type of formula would be best for your hair. A trained stylist can help you make this determination.

How to fix puffy relaxed hair

Schedule a weekly wash

People with relaxed hair should wash them at least once a week, especially during warmer months when sun, chlorine, and saltwater combine to negatively impact chemically treated locs.

If you want to maintain healthy and sleek hair, choose a shampoo with hydrating ingredients. Follow up with a high-quality conditioner, specially formulated for your needs.

For a healthy head of hair, it’s necessary to focus on conditioning the hair from the root -not just using products that coat strands by surface.

Incorporate deep treatments

The use of deep treatments and masks make it easier to add hydration to hair. In addition, they introduce ingredients that help nourish your hair with essential nutrients, resulting in light and flowing locks.

When you combine your treatment with a clarifying shampoo, the benefits are obvious. Your hair will look fuller and healthier, while also helping to restore balance to your scalp.

By using this treatment a few days before you touch-up your relaxer, it would be easier to seal and preserve in an effort to protect against damage.

Use an oil

Relaxers straighten the hair, but can weaken it over time. Restorative or oils such as coconut grease work well for those with relaxed hair and must be used with other types of oil such as argan oil, shea oil, babassu oil moisturizer, maracuja oil and sacha inchi tropics to actually nourish the hair.

Oils help with frizz, breakage and also provide intense moisture which is a great way to repair your hair.

Avoid hot tools

You’ll want to avoid excessive heat as it can easily cause damage. That’s why a relaxer is not the best option if you have thick or curly hair.

Even if you’re using an alternative smoothing method, such as sleeping with a scarf or using a cream, make sure to take extra care with your hair to avoid damage. What’s more, never use straightening irons without beforehand applying heat protectant.

How often should you relax your hair?

The need for touch-ups can vary depending on the hair type and length. Discuss with your stylist how often you’ll need to get them.

Sometimes it’s worth it to do bi-weekly or monthly touch-ups to prevent breakage that can lead to more severe health issues down the road.

How long does a relaxer last?

This is a question that has been asked by many people, especially those who are new to hair care. The answer to this question is not easy and it depends on a lot of factors.

Some people may use a relaxer for up to six months, others may use it for just two weeks. Some people may use a relaxer for years and still have the same amount of hair as the first day they applied it.

Relaxers are permanent chemical hair treatments. They’re something that you’ll want to think long and hard before you go ahead with since they will be impossible to remove once in place. These are things to keep in mind before going ahead with the treatment.

Can relaxers damage hair?

On the contrary, hair that has been chemically treated does not usually lead to healthy, vibrant hair bounces. At the same time, you can still have healthy and beautiful hair without additional treatments if maintained properly.

We recommend keeping up appointments with your stylist and talking to them about your hair care goals. This will prevent any damage that could come to your hair.

Be mindful of your diet

When it comes to looking healthy and well-rested, you can’t overlook the role that your hair plays. Healthy hair is actually based around the same principles as natural hair – which include drinking lots of water and following a healthy diet.

You need to keep a healthy and balanced diet to enjoy clean, beautiful, and healthy hair. And this can be done by adding B12 vitamins, omega supplements, or other appropriate vitamins for your specific hair type. Water will also work wonders on maintaining the natural moisture levels in your body; so drink plenty of it


The conclusion to why is my relaxed hair puffy is because of the natural oils and moisture in your hair. The oil and moisture combine to form a cushion on the surface of your hair. When you comb or brush it, it can create a lot of static electricity which causes your hair to puff up.


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