Does Color Oops Damage Or Ruined My Hair

Does Color Oops Damage Or Ruined My Hair?

A common question that many people ask themselves is whether Color Oops can damage your hair or ruin your natural color. The answer is yes and no, respectively. I’ll tell you why shortly!

Color Oops is a popular hair color remover that claims to be able to remove any color from the hair. However, some people have reported that it has been damaging their hair and ruining the natural color.

Did your attempt at a new hair color not go as planned? It’s tough to stay positive about it when you hate it so much. Thankfully, if you’re ready to try again, it’s possible to strip the hair color in order to start over.

Maybe you’re not ready to make the transition back to your natural hair color so, if you need a way of removing those pesky highlights or dark roots, Color Oops could be your solution.

The only problem is that there are rumors going around saying that Color Oops can damage or ruin your hair – but these accusations don’t seem to be based in any fact.

Could the claims be true? Does Color Oops actually damage or ruin your hair? We’ll find out in this article.

What Is Color Oops?

Color Oops hair color remover targets and removes oxidative hair dyes within minutes. Oxidative hair dyes are coloring agents that bind with a pigment in your natural hair, such as those containing bleach, to create a new shade.

Note: The color Oops formula won’t remove direct dyes, which are kinds of dyes which don’t require developer and don’t penetrate the hair shaft.

Does Color Oops Damage Hair?

Color Oops is not as safe as it seems. It contains chemicals that, when left on your head, can seep into your hair cuticles and affect the color molecules. If left on too long, this may both damage your hair and cause it to fall out.

Though this product is ammonia-free, it contains an ingredient that can lift the hair’s cuticle, the outer layer that can leave your hair feeling fragile and weak. It also contains citric acid that can make your hair dry and brittle.

The Process Is Problematic

The ingredients in Color Oops are of a concern, but the harsh process is an even bigger problem.

The process of using Color Oops is that you apply it on hair, let it sit for a while before proceeding to shampoo and rinse your hair multiple times.

Make sure to rinse for up to 7 minutes each time.  Here’s why: when the hair cuticles are constantly exposed, they aren’t able to retain moisture received from conditioner and shampoo.

In addition to the time and effort it takes to remove all the product from your hair, the excessive rinsing can make your hair dry & frizzy. You might even inflict damage on your hair from all that extra washing and rinsing.

Customer Feedback About Color Oops

Color Oops has many advantages, but it’s often criticized for damaging hair. Customers say their hair became straw like, lost its elasticity, and more with use of the product.

When using Color Oops, many people also find that they can re-dye their hair very quickly because the product breaks down the dye so easily and did not ruin their hair.

Why Color Oops Is Thought to Be Non-Damaging

When we have asked people if they consider Color Oops to be damaging, they say it isn’t as damaging as bleach or oxidative dyes.

But it’s important to realize that just because it’s less damaging than other chemical treatment, doesn’t mean that it isn’t damaging at all.

How To Use Color Oops Without Damage

My friends used Color Oops after they dyed their hair red, and they are really not happy with the condition of their hair.

Granted, if you have a light enough complexion and clean your hair right after the dye has set, then you should be ok. But overall it’s probably not worth the risk.

That’s if you don’t use it the right way. To reap the benefits of Color Oops without experiencing hair damage, we recommend you read the below tips carefully. 

Check the Condition of Your Hair First

If you recently dyed your hair and are thinking about reaching for Color Oops, we urge you to slow down a bit. The first thing you should do before putting Color Oops on your hair is check the condition of your hair.

Applying a hair color remover to an already compromised hair is not recommended. It can even worsen the condition, robbing your hair of all its moisture.

Hair is often one of the first things to show visible signs of sickness and damage. That’s why it’s so important to stop treating your hair so badly before it becomes damaged.

Read and follow the instructions to not ruin your hair.

To get the best, most even results from your Color Oops session, make sure you follow the instructions on the packaging.

When you’re removing unwanted color, not only should you opt for the best type of service to get the maximum amount of color removal, but it’ll also make sure that you won’t need to come back for a second visit.

The instructions say that you should:

  1. Add solution 1 to solution 2 and shake the bottle vigorously. Then, cut the tip off of your applicator bottle.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair using gloves. You should get it on quickly so that it can do its job before the mixture has lost its potency.
  3. Use your hands to spread the product through your hair and make sure that every strand is evenly covered.
  4. Put on the included cap and leave it sitting for a maximum of 20 minutes. Strike up some music while you wait so that you don’t get distracted and forget about time.
  5. Shampoo your hair thoroughly until you feel that the Color Oops mixture has been fully removed. You want instead to rinse this off entirely and leave it out of your hair’s system as much as possible.Use warm water & try to spend at least 20 minutes rinsing everything clean. You can even use a timer so that you keep track of what your doing so that you don’t stop out before you finish the rinsing time.
  6. After shampooing your hair, squeeze out the excess water. Then, rinse your hair with water for five minutes and then you are done!

Using the instructions in this blog post will produce the best possible result in one Color Oops session.

Deep Condition Your Hair Afterwards

Then you’ll blast away your open cuticles, with two shampoos, and then wait for almost 30 minutes before rinsing out your hair. We urge you to give your locks just that extra TLC.

Color Oops recommends conditioning your hair after using their product so that it can achieve the desired style.

If you have curly hair, Color Oops recommends you use more than one moisturizing session to know that your curls are well hydrated.

A moisturizing deep conditioner will give your strands deeper moisture. You should look for one that will also help with protein loss, which can make your hair fall out.

Here’s what you need to do to restore your hair’s moisture levels & elasticity after using Color Oops!

  • Apply Color Oops directly to your hair after you’ve finished washing. You can also do this on a damp or wet head.
  • This will help remove any excess water and residue from your hair, and allow for gentle deep conditioning of the cuticle
  • Apply the deep conditioner generously to roots and ends and then comb through your hair with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb
  • Cover your hair in a plastic shower cap to reduce the amount of exposure you have to water, as well as protect your hair.
  • Let the deep conditioner sit in your head for around 10 minutes.
  • You should rinse the deep conditioner out, or you’ll be sorry later. You can style your hair as usual afterwards.

Use a leave-in product after a deep conditioner session to boost the moisture level in your hair with a moisturizer.

Should You Use Color Oops?

Wondering whether or not to try out Color Oops is the question on many people’s minds.

If you’re in a hurry to get rid of the dye, you could try Color Oops. It will help to fade out your color quickly and safely.

Don’t forget to read the instructions on the Color oops packaging and give your hair what it needs to look its best.

The product that most people are turning to is clarifying shampoo. While it can dry out your hair more than you may want, it helps limit the damage that can happen over time.


Rumors of Color Oops causing negative effects on your hair and skin are somewhat widespread but do not accurately represent the actual results.

Due to this, a lot of misinformation is spread about the product, making it difficult for people to know what’s true and what’s not.

We want you to know that color oops is not healthy for your hair and use it only if absolutely necessary.

The article is over and the helpful tips are covered. You can now decide what to do with your hair and make sure it’s healthy!

Thanks again for stopping by and reading my blog. I hope you come back again for more useful information about your hair care needs.


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