Can i use Color Oops twice in a row? (Let’s Find Out)
One perhaps unaware consequence of using Color Oops could be that you don’t get the results you intend to. So, then, maybe you have a question on your mind: Can i use Color Oops twice in a row?
I can say this for sure: the best thing for your hair is not to use Color Oops too often or two times in one day. You’ll end up with dull and damaged hair that won’t look healthy.
It’s best to wait a few days before applying again/It’s best to apply it again after at least two or three days have passed
The reason?
It’s simple. What’s at risk here is your hair and how it’s being cared for. If you don’t care for it properly, you could end up losing more than just your hair.
Because it would be too late for your tears. Why would i say that? Do you enjoy sad stories?
If so, you’ll love my story
I prefer stories with a happy ending because sad times don’t need to be told, we live in an amazing world and stories should lift our spirits instead of taking them down.
But sadly, I had to start in on a dramatic story that i can only imagine would’ve been best left to someone else. I used Color Oops twice in a row on the same day.
I wasn’t concerned about spending a lot of money, because like other people say, money comes and goes. But my personal health was something I wanted to keep and care for as much as my hair.
Let me tell you my story.
My natural hair color is light brown and I wanted to darken it a little bit. Though some might not agree with this choice, I still think it’s a fashionable move in today’s world.
Going black was the only option I had, so I decided to dye my hair black. I bought some permanent hair dye and applied it.
However, two days later, I changed my mind and realized that the change hadn’t exactly been for the best. I didn’t feel like myself anymore, so what I thought was going to be a good idea turned out to make me feel pretty bad.
I think it was harder for my cat to recognize me than it was for other people to too.
So, one of my best friends recommended that I buy a color remover, which is specifically made to remove Color Oops.
A friend of hers had used this product to get rid of red dye from out of their hair, and noticed some really significant results from it. It’s disappointing that I didn’t experience the same kind of success as her, though.
I followed all the steps on the container of Color Oops, then let it sit for 20 minutes, praying to the lord that I wouldn’t lose my hair.
I kept washing my hair and doing more damage until I had to stop & take a break.
I thought the dark color was gone, but when I took off my towel, the darkness was still there. When I used Color Oops to remove my old color and brought out the lighter brown hair underneath, it didn’t turn out well.
So, I ran outside, still with wet hair, to buy more Color Oops. Now I didn’t have any brown or black hair; just this odd color that wasn’t very attractive
I used Color oops again, waiting the correct time of 20 minutes all over again.
Do you want to find out what happened?
Well, then, keep reading because I can assure you that I would never want it to happen to my worst enemies.
I’ll tell you:
- It’s not a good idea to use Color Oops twice in a row, as the microfibers can clog up your pores and lead to breakouts.
- How to use Color Oops twice in a row without ruining your hair.
We encourage good hair practices but don’t expect you to take care of it on your own. We know that even the best personal can fall prey to the occasional product trap, so we’ll be here for you with our professional solutions.
The best results you’ll see from using Color Oops is by applying it as soon after dyeing your hair as possible. This ensures that the bleach completely removes all traces of color.
If you dye your hair and wait 3-4 days to wash it, the color remover would work best. That’s because coloring generally bleeds out from your roots into the rest of your hair. The more time that goes by, the harder it gets for the shampoo to catch all of that. It’s just math.
You’ve definitely dyed your hair a variety of colors in the past, so it means that the chemicals used to dye your hair probably did their job
What is the chemical job?
- Chemicals have been used for a long time in the beauty industry to add color. These chemicals like peroxide and ammonia are used to remove natural pigments and then dye your hair to a new color.
- The chemicals used in many different hair dyes leave your hair fragile and dry, so it’s better to avoid using them twice in a row.
- The color remover is a chemical which will weaken the pigment in any type of dye.
Using Color Oops once is already bad enough for your hair. But, using it twice in the same day is like condemning your hair to being dry and lifeless forever.
This is what happened to me
When i use Color Oops for the first time, I was so disappointed when my hair went from jet black to dark brown.
I wanted to go back to my natural hair color: light brown
What are the consequences of using Color Oops again? Should I watch out or can I just relax?
After waiting for over 20 minutes, I removed the color from my hair with a lot of rinsing. Little did I realize, the color was coming out of my hair more easily than it was going in.
While this was great news, one small thing could have made it better – an idea that we came up with together would have helped make this series of events less
When I started to unravel my hair, I found out that it had been the worst decision of my life. But at least up to this point.
My hair was really gummy, and I have a photo to prove it! (One of my best friends in fact, hehe)
I think the job I had done is ruined and that it ended up in a very similar way as an extremely bad bleach job
I’d left my hair completely dry and brittle, making it significantly more difficult to detangle.
I had coconut oil on hand, so I applied some to my hair to at least be able to get it all out with detangling and brushing.
In my ignorance, I had made a big mistake. Big mistakes are often hard to avoid and can have devastating effects when they happen.
- The first was by using Color Oops twice twice in a row in one day, I would have my natural hair color again.
That is impossible because there are no dyes that could undo what a dye has done. The only way to go back to your natural color is to wait for your hair to grow out.
- I made the next mistake of thinking that I could just use chemicals to cover up my hair but this was a big fail!
When it rains, it pours.
But I soon found out that my hair had fallen victim to the ravages of chemicals.
For two months I tried out a bunch of different hydrating treatments. Sometimes I used olive oil, sometimes it was a hair mask, and sometimes it was just coconut oil left in my locks while I slept.
Two months later, the process was starting to get a lot easier
The color? When my natural color began to show through, the roots and ends of my hair still had a couple of faded streaks of brown from when I used the Color Oops for a second time.
Mistakes can be avoided when you know the consequences and understand their risks. Better judgment is a surefire way to avoid regret for even the smallest mistake
You might not notice it at first, but over time, your hair will thin & break more easily.
That’s why if you are unhappy with the results after using Color Oops to quickly fix a mistake, it’s best to wait 3-4 days before using the product again.
So, I want to tell you about two cool things that are happening right now…
Dying your hair is a gamble. The pigments you hide behind may reveal some light, but they may also reveal some dark.
You need to find the perfect balance between the two and make sure you don’t over exaggerate on either scale by doing so.
It may be difficult to return your hair to its natural color, but Color Oops can help you get closer.
If you’re not happy with the results of Color Oops, stop and think about your process first. Come up with a more accurate plan. Get some insight into what is triggering these impulses to make rash decisions.
- Wait at least two to three days before using another hair color remover and in that time, use moisturizers. This will help hydrate your hair.
You want to help your hair recuperate moisture and strength by using natural oils like avocado, aloe vera, coconut oil, vitamin E and olive oil.
- You can use Color Oops again after those three or four days have gone by, or even better, five or six days.
- Leaving Color Oops in your hair for longer than it says to on the package will often result in a less vibrant effect. It is usually not recommended that you leave it on for more than 20 minutes so make sure you follow the instructions carefully.
You know what might be best for your hair, even though it probably isn’t what’s best for your anxiety.
If you use Color Oops twice in a row, the best way to cure discoloration is to let it be go for 4-5 days and then use it again
Have you ever used Color Oops before? What results did you get? Your hair will thank you.
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