Going from highlights to one color all over

Going from highlights to one color all over?

The trend of going from highlights to one color all over is an interesting one. It is a shift in the way we see colors and how they are being used. You may be able to choose to use an even color after you change it up with a few highlights.

What will happen if I dye over my highlights to one color?

To dye over my highlights and make them look natural, you need hair dye. But the process is complicated (not just in application) and requires a lot of dedication. To be successful, you’ll need to take your time & patience in order to get the right results

Covering up your highlights is a bit more difficult than that. If you don’t cover them correctly, your highlights might come back after a few weeks or so.

  • When using hair dye without developer, highlight the desired strands. You should first pre-pigment your hair before beginning. We’ll go over how this step is important in our next section.
  • Now that your strands have been pre-pigmented and you’ve prepped them for dying, it’s time to start the process by applying developer. Do this to all of your hair, then dye it with a color of choice
  • It’s also important to choose a new color that is close to your natural one. This will enable you to be more accurate with the color you’re selecting and try out different shades for an updated look.

Can you go from highlights to one color?

Getting even hair color is possible in time, but you’ll need to give it time and be persistent. If you have a lot going on, it’s best to leave these tasks for professionals with experience.

There are some processes that come with difficulties, and though they might require you to jump through some hoops, there’s always a way to figure it out.

Before you decide to disregard highlights, think long and hard about whether emphasizing them would be beneficial for you hair. It’s going to be a big change in your look.

Think about the time you spent tending to your hair for those highlights and beautiful sun-kissed strands.

Why should you consider covering your highlights to go to one color?

Highlights are always a little difficult to remove from your hair, but if you cover them before you start, the color adheres to the deepest parts of your hair.

If you change your mind, that’s okay. You’ll just have to bleach it again and re-dye it. Fortunately, the highlights will still maintain their original color.

Have you thought it over?

Take a couple of minutes by yourself to think over the story of Sherika, a client who wanted to go from highlights to one color all over.

She walked into the salon three months ago because she wanted to hide her highlights.

Her hair color was a beautiful butter yellow highlights with deep ash tones. Her friends were envious.

But, since she wasn’t sure she wanted to change her look, I covered her highlights and dyed her hair one color all over. 

I was surprised when she returned back to my salon two days after for them to be redone. Initially, I thought it was because she changed her mind, but there was a deeper issue at play.

Variety is what makes life worth living. But, sometimes it’s not easy to keep up with new hair trends.

“I’ll never forget the look of disappointment on her face when I tried to explain that it would take at least a year and a great deal of work to get her hair back in good condition without damaging it.” I never wanted to let this woman down, but it really was out of my hands.

Have you thought about covering your highlights? We still have time and we’re going to finish this project.

If you’re still feeling uncertain, then feel free to pause. We’ll continue on after your decision.

  • Sometimes it does not quite work the way you want, so this tutorial will be a two-stage process to help you from highlights to all over color.
  • What should you do after covering your highlights to keep your hair healthy?

How do you do all over color with highlights?

You must perform a pre-pigmenting treatment to your hair before covering up highlights. Platina, Coppertone and Clairol have been highly successful with these treatments

Pre-pigmenting involves using the hair dye straight without the need of a developer, this helps fix the color and make it more stronger.

Pre-pigmenting keeps colors from fading quickly so your hair looks good for longer. It also reduces the likelihood of damaging it.

  • But before you start pre-pigmenting, it’s best to check your natural skin color first! We recommend trying to choose a shade that is as close as possible in tone to your natural color.

The product fades into your natural color making the transition smoother, resulting in a less noticeable difference than with other products.

  • Another thing to consider is the amount of dye you’ll need.

For the best results, you’ll need to divide your highlights in half and add that amount of dye to both halves until you have the right shade.

It is important to buy a lot of dye in case you need it for very long hair. If you have thick or very long hair, it is best to get two or three containers of dye at a time to make sure that you don’t run out.

Now you have the opportunity to witness the moment of truth!

Let’s start Pre-pigmenting!

  1. It’s helpful to have all your materials for this project ready before you begin. You’ll need gloves, a brush, a hair clip, some shampoo & conditioner, a plastic container with water and dye in it, and more (like a body cream or special products).
  2. Detangle your hair with the brush to ensure a painless process, and apply moisturizer to the soft, delicate areas near your skin that you don’t want the dye to staining.
  3. Add a half bottle of dye to the container until mostly full, add in a tablespoon of water, and vigorously mix.
  4. Then, you need to pull up your hair in a hair clip, leaving a layer of it at the back of your neck.
  5. Just make sure you only apply the dye on the light parts of your hair and use caution at applying it to the highlights.
  6. In order to be thorough, use the comb to spread the dye evenly throughout each strand. After that, repeat this process on all layers of your hair.”
  7. After you’ve covered all the highlights in your hair, let it sit for 10 minutes so it can process.

Once your hair is pre-pigmented, apply the dye as usual.

  1. When dyeing your hair, briefly mix the dye and developer together before adding it to your hair. Then wait for 40 minutes and wash out the dye completely

Since your highlighters have all run out, you’ll be left with one even color and a series of highlights that will seem to have vanished.

There is one question left to answer: Keep reading to find out how to take care of your hair for now.

How to take care of your hair after covering the highlights

Applying hair care products the right way is important to keep highlights from reappearing.

  • Never wash your hair after the first three days after dying it with a permanent color. This allows the color to better adhere to the hair fiber for a longer time.
  • To make hair dyes last the longest possible, you should wash your hair every other day. This will allow your natural oil glands to nourish and give you healthier hair.
  • Hair products designed for use with dyed hair are becoming increasingly popular. Not only do they help prevent scalp dryness and fade, but they also have no sulfates or parabens. This can ultimately save time & money and contribute to the overall health of your hair.


It’s important to cover your highlights the proper way once you’ve decided to do so.

You need to use the highlighted strands first by applying dye to them for ten minutes with developer. Once they are gone, apply more dye mixed with developer to your entire head.

Wait three days after dyeing your hair so the colors can set in before washing. Then use products designed for dyed hair to keep it well-preserved.

What shades of hair color would you go for to cover your highlights?


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