How to section hair for cutting layers

How to section hair for cutting layers?

Today, I’m going to show you how to section your hair for cutting layers so that you’ll look spectacular. You can do this by sections of hair stick pins or bobby pins that are varying in length.

A quick but easy technique on how to section your hair for cutting layers is to divide it into sections and then make a couple of snips in each section.

Your hair needs to be sectioned into five parts before it’s layered. This ensures the hair doesn’t tangle as it’s cut.

If you follow the steps I explain in this article, then you won’t have to worry about mistakes and know that your hair will come out perfect every time!

How do you want to style your layers?

Don’t worry!

Many people also use rubber bands but do not pin them as tightly as a lock of hair stick pin would be good for a type-4

Remember that there are a lot of ways to divide up your hair. I’ll show you one way that should help with achieving an angled cut on the side and without any guess work

The most important thing to remember when getting started with cutting your hair is to have an appropriate workspace that you’re comfortable enough using.

This includes equips that are comfortable/wide enough to move inside as well as a comfortable space outside of your working area.

When you are getting ready to do a technical task such as hair cutting, try to do it in a neutral place. If it is necessary for you to move, make sure that you have the appropriate space.

Do you already have that place?

Good, now that you have all the necessary materials.

Note: Here is a list I have created.


  • a chair
  • a hairdressing cape
  • a pair of razor-edged scissors or hairdresser’s scissors
  • a sprayer to wet the hair
  • 5 clips to tie each section
  • a hair cutting comb
  • a tail comb

Now that you have your space, materials and schedule all worked out, you’re ready to get to work!

As I told you earlier, there are many ways to do a layered cut. In this case, I am going to show you how to do the five easiest and most practical sections.


Try the following steps to section your hair or your friend’s hair correctly and proceed with the layered cut:

  • The first thing you should do is make sure that you have everything you need. Whether it be for your living room or your home, this tip works for any place.

You just don’t want to get your friend or client wet when you put their hair up. So, it’s best not to forget those hair clips and comb while you’re putting your own hair up!

It’s not professional to leave your space messy and with out materials. Always keep a careful eye on the space you’re working in, to make sure it doesn’t become a safety hazard or it’s too distracting for your stylist.

Especially if you are in your salon, as it’s your calling card and will give you professionalism.

  • First, saturate your hair with hairspray so that it’s completely wet. Next, section by twisting to deepen and divide.

Don’t forget to hydrate your strands before using a razor or a scissor. The key to great hair is being sectioned properly and giving each strand adequate time to dry without getting tangled up again.

  • After thoroughly wetting the hair, start by combing it with a wide-tooth comb.


  • You just need to divide your hair into two halves: ear to ear. You can use a comb for this, because it’s easier for you.
  • Then, at the back half, section it in two again.
  • Mark a rectangle in the middle of the head. To mark the points, take guide strands from that rectangle, guided to help you make two small dots on each side of the hairline.
  • What is a guide strand? It’s a small lock which will prevent you from cutting uneven lengths. You take it in whichever side of your hair that you want to avoid parting, and then make sure the lengths are equal.
  • Then, finally, separate the two sections, which will be just above your ears.

This is part of the five sections that you’ll need to cut: two at the back and three in front. And the rectangle stays in the middle of the head between the eyebrow arch and the crown of the head.

Now you’re ready to move on to layering. So, you’re probably wondering:


What you’ll want to keep in mind, depending on how many layers you want, is to raise the hair more or less.

One of the benefits of 5-section scheme is that you can use it for any layered cut.

A classic scheme like this one will give you professionalism regardless of whether you’re a new writer or not, as well as whether you want to do it yourself without help.

You’re able to trim your own hair with these sections. If you want to find out more, please contact your salon and ask for a consultation!


Comb the sections in your hair upward at a 180-degree angle, secure with a rubber band, to ensure no strands escape.

Here are some of the best tips on what to do if you want to create an amazing layered cut yourself. It’s easy if you just follow the steps and work through them one by one. You should not have any problems with this process.

While you might not need to ask for help when things are going well, always think twice before doing it alone!

It’s often beneficial to ask someone who has more knowledge in the subject if they can be of any assistance before making a decision.


Past clients may be bringing previous, shorter versions of cuts or short strands of hair for you to create a new style with.

If you look through any of the sections and notice a pattern of uneven lengths, you can generally continue to work on each section individually & it will add up to the cut evenly.

Remember the guide strand for each section. It provides a strategic approach to making your hair cuts, so you will always get a good result. If you go about it the wrong way, you’ll end up going in circles and never achieve what you wanted


Throughout this article, I’ve shared tips on how to section your hair for cutting layers

You’re curious about whether or not you’d be able to do a layered cut with no room for mistakes, or if you’re interested in cutting your own hair.

I assure you that with patience, moisturizing your hair well and combing it in the sections shown prior to this sentence, there is a low likelihood of mistakes.

You just need to follow the steps I’ve detailed and it will become as long as you want with sections that make it easy to work around. With these pre-made sections, you’re guaranteed success!


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