offset hairstyle tutorial

Offset Hairstyle Tutorial

Want to get dreads like Offset? follow our Offset hairstyle tutorial on how to get this trendy dreads haircut for your hair.

There is a range of locs hairstyles that are both casual and stylish and perfectly befitting for outfits like the jeans and the hoodie, and other looks that Offset sported during his events.

These locs hairstyles amply demonstrates the amazing sense in hair fashion, which looks eccentric yet out of the world.

The rapper also incorporates some trendy twists to his locs by either tying all of his hair in a ponytail or leaving a few strands out for an asymmetric look. Similarly, Offset’s dreads were a new variation of his look.

What is the Name of Offset Hairstyle?

the Name of Offset Hairstyle is the dreadlocks hairstyle or Locs for short, dreadlocks is not for everyone only persons with great fashion sense and love dreads will try this look.

How to Do Offset Locs Hairstyle

How to Do Offset Deadlocks Hairstyle

The methods of growing loc’s all depends on time, patience and of course money. This is a hairstyle that will definitely require some effort to get desirable results so keep this in mind as you move forward.

Dreads can be started at home on a budget or in a salon with a loctician for more reliable results. Some DIY people have come out really well and others not so good trying this type of styling at home.

Trust your own skill set and make the proper decision coming out of the gate. With that being said here are the methods of getting dreadlocks.

How to Style Offset Dreadlocks Hairstyle

Developing dreadlocks requires the same basic step-by-step process, whether you’re paying a professional stylist, or working on your own hair at home. The point of variation comes when it’s time to twist the locks into shape.

Depending on the preferences of your stylist and the texture of your hair, you can twist it up in a number of different ways. Regardless, this simple step-by-step procedure will lay the foundation for permanent dreadlocks:

  • Step one: Wash your hair and dry it thoroughly before beginning the process.
  • Step two: Divide the hair into sections. You can do this either to the entire head first and hold the sections with bands or clips, or finish each section one at a time.
  • Step three: Pay attention to the size of your sections. When you pull them tight, the roots of the hair you’re holding should be outlined by a perfect square of exposed scalp. The larger your squares, the thicker the final locks will be.
  • Step four: Add a small amount of product to each individual strand before you work with it. (Experts differ widely and passionately about what to use. Some use creams, waxes or aloe to prevent the hair from drying out. Wax is especially helpful for straight hair. Purists just use water.)
  • Step five: Twist each lock of hair tightly in a clockwise direction and clip it at the end. If you have straight hair, or curly hair that is very long, you will have to backcomb the hair first. To backcomb, pull each section of hair straight. While holding the tip, use a fine-toothed metal comb and run it through the hair from the tip to the root. Repeat to the same section of hair until the individual strands are drawn toward the root and tangled together. You want to continue this process until the entire length of hair has formed those tangles, and then repeat with each strand.
  • Step six: Completely dry the locks with an electric hair dryer. If you used wax, this step will also melt the wax into each lock.

But the process isn’t over. Maintaining these proto-dreadlocks, and caring for them over the years, also requires several important steps.

Methods For Twisting Hair Into Dreadlocks

Methods For Twisting Offset Hair Into Dreadlocks

If you have curly or kinky hair, you have more options for forming dreadlocks than those with straight hair. That’s because kinky hair locks up easier and doesn’t need as much coaxing. Here are some of the methods for twisting the hair when you initially form the locks:

  • Twisting: Twist the entire strand of hair in a clockwise direction. Twisting clockwise will ensure that all of your dreadlocks are going in the same direction, so when you twist them later as part of maintenance, you don’t actually untwist them.
  • Strand twists(double/triple): Divide your hair into either two or three sections, and overlap them in a clockwise, spiraling pattern.
  • Braids: Braid the bottom three inches of the hair when you form the locks. These braided sections are usually cut off once the locks begin to mature.
  • Sisterlocks/Brotherlocks: This is a proprietary approach to very thin locks that are easier to wear in ponytails and other styles. They must be styled by a registered Sisterlocks stylist.
  • Freeform: If you want to go the natural route, you can simply skip the twisting and let the hair go its own way. Works best if you begin with short hair and have a kinky texture.
How to Maintain Offset Locs Hairstyle

How To Maintain Offset Hairstyle

1. Maintain a clean scalp

Tip number one – whatever you do, please don’t fall into that trap or stereotype that tells you dreads need far less maintenance than normal hair. It’s a lie! Dreadlocks are a hairstyle, nothing more than that. Having your hair in a particular hairstyle will not excuse you from having to maintain a proper hygiene routine!

Therefore, make sure you wash your hair as you would normally do. That means an average of once per week, depending on your personal needs. Use a special, residue free dreadlock shampoo that will aid you in your routine on how to keep dreads healthy.

2. Use a satin pillowcase

We’re not even supposed to tell you this, that’s how much of a secret it is. But we only want what’s best for you, so here it is! Satin pillowcases, as opposed to common, cotton ones are far softer on your hair. This means they will prevent breakage because the smooth surface of the silk won’t produce as much friction with your dreads as cotton does.

Apart from that, silk doesn’t develop lint that could get trapped in your dreads and lead to nasty build-up. Do you want another reason? Silk pillowcases are also amazing for the skin. You will get less breakouts!

3. Don’t trim the loose hair on your locs

As your locs grow and develop, you will start to notice a loose hairs appearing on your locs. Some people think they are a tad unaesthetic. If you are one of those people, please don’t cut or trim the loose hairs.

Instead of solving a problem, you will create a new one because the trimming will cause your dreads to turn thin. It might even lead to breakage if you do it on a regular basis.

4. How to keep dreads healthy – no dying your hair!

Yes, coloured dreads are cool, we know. But the truth is that color and dreads as a hairstyle simply don’t mix. The reason is very simple.

Colouring your hair is a very damaging process that basically involves soaking your hair in harsh chemicals to obtain the desired shade. Those chemicals will weaken your strands and make them a lot more prone to breakage.

And no colouring process is more damaging than bleaching your hair. Don’t believe us? Just watch a few bleach fails on YouTube. That should put you off it! Learning how to keep dreads healthy means not colouring them!

5. How to keep dreads healthy – No tight hairstyles

This includes ponytails, buns, and man buns. As cool as they look, these tight hairstyles if worn for very long periods of time could thin your hair at the roots. If that happens, your dreads could actually detach from the scalp. Ouch!

6. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Moisturizing needs to be one of the main steps in your routine on how to keep dreads healthy and growing. And it’s easier than you might think! All you need to do is mix some water with your favorite vegetable oil and you’re done. Spray it liberally on your dreads.

7. How to keep dreads healthy – dry them very well

You must dry your dreads as best as possible after each wash. Emphasis on must! If not properly dried, locs can develop mildew in the center. Even if you can’t see it, believe us, you will smell it.

Think about your laundry and the way it smells when you leave it in the washer without drying the clothes right away. Would you like your hair to smell like that?

If the answer is no, then every time you wash your dreads, use a blow drier set on low heat to dry them. Or you can just allow them to dry off naturally.

Please don’t tie them up, bunch them or cover them during the drying process!

8. Never use wax or butters

The biggest enemy to dreads besides bad hygiene is wax or butters. Which can lead to bad hygiene! Wax and hair care products that have a butter base such as shea butter are ridiculously difficult to clean out of your dreads. Therefore, they will attract lint, dust, and dirt, causing buildup. In time, it can turn white and start to smell.

9. Apple cider vinegar is your best friend

Even if you have a well-established hygiene routine, you will still have to deep cleanse your dreads two or three times per year, depending on your lifestyle and your personal needs.

The good news is that this is super easy to do. All you need to do is soak your locs in an inflatable basin filled with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water. You will be amazed at all the dirt coming out!

Buy your inflatable basin here

10. Say no to cotton towels!

It doesn’t matter how light and fluffy they are, cotton towels and dreads don’t make good friends. If you want to know how to keep your dreads healthy and growing, then invest in a microfiber towel. The reason is that cotton towels cause friction and lead to hairs detangling from your locs.

Get your microfiber towel here

11. How to keep dreads healthy – regular maintenance

When it comes to maintenance on your dreads, you have to find the right balance. If you do it too often, you run the risk of damaging your roots.

On the other hand, not performing enough maintenance leads to loose hairs that could weaken your dreads and cause them to break.

Retwist your dreads every 4-6 weeks. Crochet maintenance and interlocking needs to be done every 2-3 months.

12. Patience, grasshopper!

Your dreads won’t grow overnight! This is the best tip we can give you. There is a reason they call it a ‘loc journey.’ But we promise it’s a beautiful one!

If you want to learn more tips on how to keep dreads healthy and growing or if you’re interested in starting on your own loc journey, please visit our website!


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